Desperate to get some relief from daily headaches and migraines caused by TMJ and Multiple Sclerosis, I decided to try the Delafield Acupuncturist. I received a thorough screening and health evaluation before setting treatment goals.
Nicholas Cera’s gentle and reassuring manner eased my anxiety about the acupuncture process. With compassionate professionalism, my questions were answered. During the treatment, Nicholas offered an explanation for the therapeutic placement of each tiny needle. It was absolutely painless. My THREE acupuncture treatments felt remarkably soothing and comfortable. And the results? In the last 10 weeks, I have had only 2 minor headaches. I am thrilled to be free of the daily headaches that I have suffered for more than ten years! “Getting used” to the pain is not an option for me any more. I know that acupuncture works.
Linda K.